We joined SK St Joseph in the gotong royong perdana held last Saturday. However, it was a BIG disappointment to see only 30% of our Kickies turned up for this.
True, some were involved at their own schools but I doubt if all were. We have to get to the bottom of this as Kickalob strives to be an academy where one learns not only football but also self-discipline. Be rest assured that we will weed out those who do not share these same objective because we do not want this sickness to become an epidemic!!!
This matter is further complicated by the parents of our Kickies who just dropped their Kickies off at the padang and off they went. These parents have to realise that in order for us to discipline their Kickies, it has to start with them doing it first. If they choose not to set an example to their Kickies, then please do not expect us to do it for them. Wake up people!!
Am I upset? Nope. Rather, I am very sad that this is happening and very sad that we have Kickies who have this attitude and parents who condone it.
True, some were involved at their own schools but I doubt if all were. We have to get to the bottom of this as Kickalob strives to be an academy where one learns not only football but also self-discipline. Be rest assured that we will weed out those who do not share these same objective because we do not want this sickness to become an epidemic!!!
This matter is further complicated by the parents of our Kickies who just dropped their Kickies off at the padang and off they went. These parents have to realise that in order for us to discipline their Kickies, it has to start with them doing it first. If they choose not to set an example to their Kickies, then please do not expect us to do it for them. Wake up people!!
Am I upset? Nope. Rather, I am very sad that this is happening and very sad that we have Kickies who have this attitude and parents who condone it.